speravo di trovare l'immagine ma ho beccato solo la descrizione...
"At Mount Gabriel, Co. Cork, a wooden pick, shovel, stone mauls and tapers of resinous wood to provide light were among the equipment found in mines dated to the Early Bronze Age. The earliest metal objects produced in Ireland were flat axes of pure copper that could be cast easily in
single-piece stone moulds and hardened by hammering. Later, these were replaced with
two-piece stone moulds, allowing for the making of tools and weapons of increasing complexity. A further development was the process of mixing copper with tin to produce bronze. Other products included knives, daggers, sickles, awls, spearheads, razors and halberds (a dagger-like blade attached to a long wooden pole)."
http://www.museum.ie/en/exhibition/list/exhibition-details-prehistoricireland.aspxRicordo che in Irlanda le vaire "età" si sono avvicendate con molto ritardo rispetto al continente.... Il Neolitico e' arrivato fino quasi al 2500 AC...