ogni tanto viene citato ,allora ecco un esempio tratto da "traditional archery from six continentes"
di archi in acciaio ne esistono di varia foggia, alcuni ispirati anche al longbow inglese, spesso sono di tipo takedown .
Steel Bow
India, eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
Steel bows, although lacking the cast and range of composite bows, were popular in late Mughal India
as durable military weapons (Elmy 1969).More elaborate examples were made as display pieces. Usually
hand forged, they appear in the form of a composite bow that has opened up from use and often
were made in two sections so that they could be dismantled for transport or storage. This example
has a detachable upper limb that screws into the solid iron handle; the steel limbs are damascened in
a gold floral pattern. 106.5 cm long, 3.6 cm wide at midlimb, and 0.4 cm thick at midlimb.
vi risparmio il traduttore